Customers visit the factory of TEXIN

July 17, 2024 some of other province customers specialized visit our factory ,the staff take them familiar with the product anti drone jammer device and jammer module . In order to prove our products has 100% test before shipment ,the company boss Xiao Lin Li show the jammer module testing to customers.

Later on they went on the the produce line , every worker focus on the product in their hands .when it unqualified the product will not send next step .

Followed by the customers went into packing area ,It is deserve to be mentioned that the packing area is separate from the production area,when the finished product and test qualified,it enter into the packing area.  

By visiting TEXIN factory the customers has more realized of jammer device and know the produce process ,produce environment clearly.At same time that activity Increased the trust between customers with TEXIN.
